pH meter / List of 7 manufacturers
What is a pH meter?
A pH meter is a device that measures the pH of a liquid. pH is one of the indicators of water quality and shows the hydrogen ion concentration of liquids. For example, tap water is classified as neutral, carbonated water and gastric acid are classified as acidic, and lime water and soapy water are classified as alkaline. As a simple measurement method, there is a colorimetric measurement method using a litmus test paper. However, you will need a pH meter to know the more accurate pH. Most pH meters mainly use glass electrodes, which is called the glass electrode method.
Application of pH meter
It is mainly used for pH measurement in combustible garbage incinerators, boilers, thermal power generation, etc., and for pH measurement during construction civil engineering work and factory wastewater discharge at concrete factories. By installing a pH meter, it can be constantly measured and used to monitor for abnormal pH. In the food field, there are many things whose taste and safety change depending on the pH. Each food has a suitable pH, and if the pH is not suitable, problems such as spoiled flavor and contamination with foreign substances will occur.
Manufacture list of pH meter
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