Total counter / List of 20 manufacturers
What is a Total counter?
The total counter is a device that counts and displays the number of movements and the number of objects. Since it only has a function to display the counted numerical value, it is only used for visually checking the number of products produced at the factory and the number of operations of industrial products, and it is not possible to transmit control signals according to the number of counts. Hmm. There are two types of total counters, one is an electronic counter that counts by the open / close signal and pulse of the contact of the electric circuit, and the other is an electromagnetic counter that counts by the magnetic force of the electromagnet built in the counter.
Application of Total counter
The total counter is used when you want to know the count number, such as the number of production in the factory or the pedometer. A product that performs control signals and switching based on the counted number, such as mechanical products, is called a preset counter, as opposed to a total counter that only displays the counted number. If you want the device to operate according to the counted number, you need to purchase a preset counter. The total counter must be selected in consideration of the number of digits that can be displayed, the corresponding count speed, and the ease of mounting the measuring unit. We will explain the operating principle of total counters by dividing them into two types: electronic counters and electromagnetic counters. The total counter consists of a measurement unit that measures the count and a display unit that displays the number of counts.
Manufacture list of Total counter
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