SiC MOSFET / List of 0 manufacturers
What is a SiC MOSFET?
A SiC MOSFET is a MOSFET that uses a SiC (silicon carbide) substrate, which is a compound semiconductor, instead of the conventional Si substrate. It is used as a material for the semiconductor substrate of MOSFET, a type of field effect transistor. MOSFETs are used for on and off switching and applications such as amplifiers. By using SiC, which is a compound semiconductor, for the semiconductor substrate used as a material, it is possible to reduce the resistance value when a voltage is applied compared to conventional Si MOSFETs. As a result, switching loss during turn-off and power loss during power operation can be kept small. The performance of semiconductor chips can be improved and the cooling capacity required for transistor operation can be reduced, leading to the miniaturization of products themselves.
Manufacture list of SiC MOSFET
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