- Vacuum circuit breaker
Vacuum circuit breaker / List of 0 manufacturers
What is a Vacuum circuit breaker?
A vacuum circuit breaker, also called a VCB (Vacuum Circuit Breaker), is a device used to break the circuit when an abnormality occurs in a device or power system. Vacuum circuit breakers have high performance among circuit breakers, and are characterized by their ability to interrupt all currents, including short-circuit currents, load currents, and overcurrents. Therefore, even if a large current of several thousand or tens of thousands of amperes suddenly occurs due to an accident current, etc., the arc discharge can be extinguished and the circuit can be cut off. Vacuum circuit breakers are often used in large-scale high-voltage receiving and transforming equipment, and are one type of high-voltage circuit breaker.
Manufacture list of Vacuum circuit breaker
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