Utilization of cogeneration / List of 0 manufacturers
What is a Utilization of cogeneration?
One of the SDGs, "Sustainable Energy" (Goal 7) and "Promoting Industry and Innovation" (Goal 9), places emphasis on the use of cogeneration. Cogeneration is a highly energy-efficient system that simultaneously produces electricity and heat, and by reusing the heat produced using waste heat, it achieves effective energy use and a reduction in environmental impact. Companies and facilities are promoting energy conservation and the introduction of clean energy, such as by reusing waste heat generated inside factories and buildings for space heating and hot water supply. In addition, regional cogeneration projects efficiently supply electricity and heat throughout the region, reducing energy costs and carbon dioxide emissions. The use of cogeneration contributes to the efficient use of energy and the promotion of sustainable development, and is an important part of efforts towards achieving the SDGs.
Manufacture list of Utilization of cogeneration
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