- Semiconductor manufacturing
- Semiconductor manufacturing
This is a list of 17 categories included in Semiconductor manufacturing.
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About Semiconductor manufacturing
Semiconductors are materials with properties intermediate between those of conductors and insulators, and integrated circuits made from these materials have excellent information processing capabilities, making them essential products for all industries. To manufacture this semiconductor is to manufacture a single crystal rod (silicon ingot), which is a semiconductor from polycrystalline silicon, etc., and to manufacture wafers by slicing this, but it also includes manufacturing integrated circuits using this semiconductor as a material. increase. The manufacturing process is roughly divided into the first half process and the second process. In the front process, after repeating element formation and surface flattening by wafer manufacturing, oxide film formation, pattern formation, ion implantation, diffusion, etc., electrode formation and wafer inspection are performed. It's a process.
In the second half of the process, the wafer is cut into chips, the chips are protected from the external environment, and in order to input/output signals to/from peripheral components, the chips are packaged or mounted on a substrate and inspected.
Product list of Semiconductor manufacturing