Cold forging press / List of 24 manufacturers
What is a Cold forging press?
Forging is one of the plastic working methods, and it is a method of deforming metal by applying pressure and forming it into the required shape. By molding by plastic working, the material forms a fibrous structure called forging streamline, so it is possible to make a rough-shaped material with excellent strength. The types of forging are cold forging, warm forging, and hot forging. Cold forging is performed at room temperature without heating the material. Warm forging heats from 600 ° to 850 °, and hot forging heats to about 1200 ° for forging. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so understand the characteristics and use them appropriately according to the purpose.
Application of Cold forging press
Metals have less resistance to material deformation as the temperature rises. Hot (warm) forging makes use of its properties to enable the formation of complex shapes. Cold forging requires high energy for forging materials because it is molded at room temperature. Therefore, it is not suitable for molding complicated shapes and large parts.
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Manufacture list of Cold forging press
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