Power monitor / List of 9 manufacturers
What is a Power monitor?
A power monitor is a device or system that monitors power consumption in real time to save energy, mainly for the purpose of reducing environmental load and cutting costs. Knowing the time-series power consumption in real time by continuing to monitor the target system will save energy for the entire facility. Mainly, by comparing with the operation data of the system, it becomes possible to know when the power consumption is increasing.
Application of Power monitor
Power monitors are used to measure power consumption over time. In particular, since the revised Energy Conservation Law came into effect, the need for power monitors has increased because it has become mandatory for all companies with energy consumption of 1500 kl or more in terms of crude oil to report their energy consumption. Examples of where power monitors are used are manufacturing, mining, electricity supply, gas supply, heat supply, department stores, hotels, schools, hospitals, office buildings, and government offices. Not only amusement parks, but also convenience stores, fast food stores, family restaurants, fitness clubs, etc. are required to report the energy consumption of the entire company.
Manufacture list of Power monitor
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